Forget Facebook. We're placing an open call to the web programming community to create a new social networking framework based on open standards.
2007.10.08. 00:35 herczog
Slap in the Facebook: It's Time for Social Networks to Open Up
Wired Top Stories
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2007.10.08. 00:35 herczog
Social Network Exhaustion (or Facebook Bankruptcy Redux)
The Jason Calacanis Weblog
Today I'm waking up with the Smashing Pumpkins ringing in my ears and my ego search ringing off the hook. My throat and head are about 60-70% healed and looking back on my last couple of posts about turning off comments and declaring Facebook bankruptcy and asking:
was my physical exhaustion…
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2007.10.08. 00:34 herczog
Is Outsourcing My Pownce Identity Smart?
Chris Pirillo
Heh. The Pownce identity saga continues - with this post from the Chris Pirillo proxy (who doesn’t appear to be malicious, and raises good points):
Why would anyone be the fake Chris Pirillo? Well, unless you are a Chris Pirillo, Leo Laporte, Robert Scoble or whoever… you will never be able to…
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2007.10.08. 00:33 herczog
Why the “You Dont Need a Business Plan” meme is Crazy Talk
Charles Hudson's Weblog
I’ve been reading a bunch of posts on how Twitter got funded without a business plan or a business model. I think the logic of these posts is largely true in only one case - if you’re an early-stage company in tech where you have lots of adoption, good growth, and attention from the “right”…
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2007.10.08. 00:32 herczog
Calacanis asks deep questions about social networks
So Jason “no comments” Calacanis answers me, and others, back about his increasing dislike of Facebook and other social networks.
First of all, for the record, Jason is right. Facebook sucks. Twitter sucks. Pownce sucks. Jaiku sucks. Kyte sucks. Etc and etc.
Why? Because they take time.
But then…
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2007.10.08. 00:31 herczog
Facebook Bankruptcy
The Jason Calacanis Weblog
Today I'm declaring Facebook Bankruptcy in addition to comment bankruptcy.I can't keep up with the friend requests, the requests to confirm how we know each other, the requests to tell you I like you, the requests to tell you I want your to tell me what movies you want to tell me about, etc.I've got…
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2007.10.08. 00:30 herczog
Pownce: Social Networks aren’t Identity Networks
Chris Pirillo
Interesting. Someone just told me that I was on Pownce - which is odd, because I never signed up for an account. Lo and behold, here “I” am. I’m not terribly upset about it at this point, but that’s pretty much my identity - and the people following “me” may not know that that’s…
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2007.10.08. 00:29 herczog
iPhone, month 1
Scripting News
Today's the 25th of July, the iPhone shipped on June 29, that's the day I got mine, so we're getting pretty close to the end of a month with the iPhone.
The tech press usually doesn't review products after a month of use, but that's when you really find out if it was worth the initial hype.…
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2007.10.08. 00:28 herczog
Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
The laptop as guest - and sometimes the centerpiece - at dinner parties gets the Observer treatment today. We're all too familiar with friends staring at their Blackberry/iPhone/ Sidekick devices during social situations, but some might tell those toting a Macbook to a dinner party to just stay at…
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2007.10.08. 00:27 herczog
Cloning Web 2.0: A Look at Copycat Applications
I know I recently railed against copycat sites -- I assure you that the irony of this post isn't lost on me. But as they say, "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." As I said in my post 3 weeks ago, "if you do feel the need to borrow an idea, you should definitely make changes and try to…
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2007.10.08. 00:26 herczog
iPhone vs. Nokia N95 a month later
CNBC is going to be here in a few minutes to interview Patrick about his iPhone, a month later, to see if he still likes it.
Dave Winer writes about his iPhone. You might be surprised by his review because he is pretty brutal about the iPhone.
I agree with Dave Winer. if you are a hard-core…
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2007.10.08. 00:25 herczog
Na végre! PI, R.I.P.
Időről időre kifakadtunk eddig is azon, hogy az oldalletöltés-alapú teljesítménymérés mennyire elavult, fals, és ideje lenne reformot hirdetni: máshogyan mérni a weboldalak teljesítményét. Úgy tűnik, nem vagyunk teljesen egyedül PI-ellenességünkkel. A mai hírek szerint…
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2007.10.08. 00:24 herczog
Why Feedburner is trouble, day 2
Scripting News
Saturday's post about Feedburner was much-discussed, and that's good. The most common rebuttal was the user's ability to opt out. If you don't like it you don't have to use Feedburner. But that's not any kind of a rebuttal. Let me illustrate.
First, I don't use Feedburner, never have, never…
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2007.10.08. 00:23 herczog
Desktop RSS Readers Are (Nearly) Dead
I resisted the headline 'Desktop RSS Readers Are Dead', but our latest poll of which methods people use to read RSS feeds is showing a clear trend - more people are using browser-based RSS Readers and less are using desktop Readers. This week's poll is almost identical to a poll we did 6 months ago,…
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2007.10.08. 00:22 herczog
Maxthon 2.0 Problems
Chris Pirillo
Maxthon 2.0 is out of beta, and I still feel that it has a long row to hoe before it’s anywhere near as stable or configurable as Maxthon 1.x was for me. There are a few frustrations that keep me from recommending it over earlier versions. I’m confident these issues can be addressed quickly, but…
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2007.10.08. 00:21 herczog
The Top 10 Things I Love About My iPhone
After having my iPhone for a little over two weeks it is clear that it is the best gadget that I ever owned.
I am not a gadget guy, but I certainly appreciate elegant design and useful tools. iPhone's ease of use, intuitive
interface and great set of built-in applications amount to a device that is…
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2007.10.08. 00:20 herczog
Do Pageflakes and Netvibes have any chance against Facebook?
Richard MacManus asks an interesting question about Pageflakes and Netvibes: what chance do they have?
Facebook is becoming the home page for many of us. Why? Because our friends are a lot more interesting than anything over on Yahoo News or TechMeme or other places. And because Facebook has become…
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2007.10.07. 16:02 herczog
Pageflakes, Netvibes Take on Social Networks: What Chance Do They Have?
Last week the personalized start page Pageflakes announced its latest version, nicknamed Blizzard. It introduces social networking functionality, themes, a slick Ajax UI, and more. What struck me about the new look was how much it reminded me of Facebook, or at least how much it wants to be like…
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2007.10.07. 16:01 herczog
Mindennapi dizájn dilemmák
Miért drágábbak a barna tojások, mint a fehérek? Mert a tojók nagyobbak és emiatt hajlamosabbak többet enni.
Miért olyan nehéz taxit találni esőben? Mert a taxisok nem dolgoznak tovább, ha elérték a napi limitet és ezt esős időben joval hamarabb sikerül, hiszen ilyen időben…
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2007.10.07. 16:00 herczog
Read/WriteWeb's New Comments Feature: SezWho
At the beginning of this week we introduced a new comments
feature on Read/WriteWeb, called SezWho. Basically
it introduces comment rating, reputation and filtering to this blog. SezWho was created
by one of our occasional writers, Jitendra Gupta - whose team
installed it onto R/WW. You can check…
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2007.10.07. 15:59 herczog
Is Facebook Worth the Hype?
This was Facebook Week here at Read/WriteWeb, but I couldn't help but notice how many other blogs wrote posts about Facebook this week as well. It seemed that almost every day there was a Facebook meme on Techmeme. Anecdotal evidence would seem to suggest that Facebook is the most hyped thing this…
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2007.10.07. 15:58 herczog
Silicon Valley Users Guide: A map to the Web 2.0 universe
Israeli blogger Orli Yakuel has posted Information Architects' Tokyo subway-style map of the incestuous, hyperconnected world of Web 2.0. No surprise: Facebook is at the center, MySpace on the periphery. [Flickr]
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2007.10.07. 15:57 herczog
User experience videók
Amióta a webes szolgáltatások kerültek előtérbe a weboldalakkal szemben, valahogy a felhasználói élmény is felértékelődött - a grafikai megjelenítés mellett - és sokan próbálják magukat beleásni, hogy mitől is jön létre, hogyan tartható fenn, de legfőképpen hogyan lehet…
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2007.10.07. 15:56 herczog
Az amatőrök kultusza
A napokban jelent meg Andrew Keen könyve arról, hogyan öli meg az internet a kultúrát. Keen hálátlan szerepre vállalkozik, amikor a Web 2.0 vezéreinek kórusán túlkiabálva olyasmiről próbál beszélni, ami mostanában nem divatos Szerinte ugyanis a web 2.0. legalább annyira…
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2007.10.07. 15:55 herczog
Kik használják a web 2.0-ás szoláltatásokat?
A cégeknek (köztük a médiacégeknek) nem elég belépniük a Second Life-ba, vagy saját profilt létrehozni a MySpace-en, vagy a Facebookon (nálunk legoininkább az iWiWen) és várni a csodást. Azok se számítsanak gyors változásra, akik figyelik a megmondóembereket és minden új…