A hazai piacon jellemzően néhány éves késéssel kezdenek a szereplők a tőlünk nyugatabbra bevált szolgáltatások klónozásába. Ilyenkor viszont egymást taposva fejlesztenek (vagy vásárolnak), és egyik “nagy” sem engedheti meg magának, hogy ne legyen saját változata. Az üzleti…
2007.09.16. 22:24 herczog
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2007.09.16. 03:14 herczog
The Assumptions That Yahoo Mash And Other Social Networks Make About You
Every application needs to make assumptions about its users, and for some people those assumptions will inevitably be wrong. Why is it, though, that so many social networks and other social applications assume that all social web users are not yet old enough to drink?
That’s the first impression…
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2007.09.16. 00:06 herczog
An Offline Gmail Client: Sweet
A report from India’s Hindustan Times indicates that Google is prepping an offline version of Gmail.
It’s claimed that a client has already been designed, is in testing, and runs (not surprisingly) on Google Gears. Google has previously offered an offline version of Google Reader using the Gears…
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2007.09.15. 03:43 herczog
Gawker Media's Newest Contributor: You
Time might have nominated you as the Person of the Year, but Gawker Media, the publisher of such popular blogs as Gizmodo, Lifehacker, and Kotaku, is savvier: The company is making you into a contributor -- if you're a commenter,...
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2007.09.14. 18:01 herczog
First Optimus Maximus hits Moscow
Filed under: Displays, Peripherals
It's been a long time coming, but the first Optimus Maximus OLED keyboard has finally shown itself in Moscow and, as you can see in the picture above, it's already being put to good use. Of course, the lucky few that got in on the first batch of orders will…
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2007.09.13. 21:28 herczog
MySpace Getting A Little Less Chaotic?
Interesting blog post by MySpace co-founder and president Tom Anderson this morning. He’s proposing a new default layout for MySpace pages that has significantly better organization of user information, and moves from a two column to three column approach.
So we’ve been working on a new home…
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2007.09.12. 19:14 herczog
The people formerly known as informed
So what happens when "the people formally known as the audience," as the citizen journalism hypesters like to say, take charge of the dissemination of news? A study released today by the Project for Excellence in Journalism provides a hint, and it's not exactly encouraging. The researchers examined…
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2007.09.12. 05:44 herczog
Google Intends to Integrate Its Social Applications
Apparently Google learned something from Facebook's success and intends to connect all of its social applications. The new central place for social activities will create feeds for all or your events ("activity streams") and share them with your contacts, if you choose to do so. I called this Social…
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2007.09.11. 23:57 herczog
Leaked Google Video Discusses Google Reader, Social Efforts
A video disclaimed to be "Google - Confidential" with the title "Nooglers And The PDB: Reactor (Ben Darnell, September 6, 2007)" made its way onto a public Google Video page. A "noogler" is what people at Google call new employees; "Reactor" is Google's codename for the back-end to Google Reader,…